New Noid and Noid Classic

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Jun 14 2021 39 mins   88
This week the gang heats up Hot Snack Summer with some s'mores, fails to avoid the Noid, and goes on a tropical journey with some Baja Blast centered snews. Support this podcast at -- Snack News: Domino’s is bringing back the Noid, a mascot that once drove a man to take hostages: MTN DEW® Transports Fans To Baja Island With Two New MTN DEW Baja Blast® Flavors, A Baja Room Spray Collection, And Tons of New Merch: Whisps' call out for the next big cheese: Locate Lauren on Twitter (@rawrglicious) and check out her Onlyfans! Find Conrad on Twitter (@ConradZimmerman) and peruse his other projects on this Linktree thing. Linda can be located on Twitter (@guzzlinseltzer) and Instagram (@shoresofpluto). Her poetry journal, Impostor Lit, is currently seeking submissions. Logo by Cosmignon! See more of her cool art at Music by Michael "Skitch" Schiciano. Hear more of his work at