Jan 24 2025 95 mins 5
This podcast is an amazing story of how someone who is on a different path gets put into a trajectory that changes everything that they do. Simon Kelley's that man, world traveler, living life with a passion to discover things find himself in Thailand one day and then begins to manufacture rubber. It's a long sort of story and you get to hear all the details on this podcast. Our passion Vw hobby ends up, finding opportunities for us to be a part of it in multiple ways. And it just starts with one car and a vision. With Simmons early history working for defense contractors specializing in radar equipment. He still gets pulled to that vehicle of the most basic type the VW, getting fascinated early with threes was his problem. In the early days it was a lonely road to walk before type three became super cool but he stuck it out and now he supplies in manufactures so much for the type three hobby it's awesome a great guy cool story and buckle up. I