In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers and Sister celebrate Passing the Great Lighting Sceptre from 2024 to 2025!
Join Ellen, David, Stan, and Steve as they pontificate about: Our Joys and Dissapointments of 2024; New technology that did not make it in 2024; Apple Vision; Boeing Blues; The future of the Vari*Lite Hive; The secret why David was not invited into the Vari*Lite booth; The (Real) Hive Medea Server; Our most interesting topics of 2024; New technology visions for 2025; AI vs. AGI; They still can't make a color picker that works!; Protecting your AI intellectural property; "MAGA the Musical"; New Year's Predictions; and Our New Year's Resolutions.
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.