The Importance of Taking A Sabbath

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Jun 30 2024 38 mins   2

Did you know that God wants to give you rest? Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually! This is counter to our culture's constant push to move faster and achieve more. Jesus invites us to experience God's rest, a concept rooted in the practice of Sabbatical from Ancient Israel. God freed the Israelites from slavery and commanded them to observe the Sabbath, a DAY of rest every seventh day, as a reminder that they were no longer slaves, but His children.

Theologically, there are four key parts to a Sabbath:

  1. Stop: Cease all work, both paid and unpaid. Take a break from meetings, emails, and phone calls for 24 hours every week.

  2. Rest: Physically and emotionally rest to recharge your body and mind.

  3. Delight: Enjoy your family, the fruits of your labor, and activities you love. Take pleasure in creation.

  4. Worship: Dedicate time to worship God, praise Him, read His Word, and connect with the Holy Spirit.

A sabbatical, happening every seventh YEAR, is a time to step away from work and let your soul recharge. This idea comes from the Bible, specifically from the book of Leviticus. Just like land needs a break to become fruitful again, we also need rest to renew our energy, strength, and motivation. Taking a sabbatical helps prevent burnout and prepares us for more productive and creative work in the future.

#Sabbath #Rest #LiquidChurch