Jun 02 2024 43 mins 10
Episode 0x77
I'm not cool and neither are you.
Ok, so it's been a long time - but we're good :) August 1st 2022 was our last show. The next one is scheduled now for sometime in 2026.
Upcoming this week...
- Lots of News
- Breaches
- finishing it off with DERPs/Mailbag (or Deep Dive)
- And there are weekly Briefs - no arguing or discussion allowed
And if you've got commentary, please sent it to [email protected] for us to check out.
DISCLAIMER: It's not that explicit, but you may want to use headphones if you're at work.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: In case it is unclear, this is the story of 5 opinionated infosec pros who have sufficient opinions of their own they don't need to speak for anyone except themselves. Ok? Good.
In this episode:
- News and Commentary
- Breaches
- Your Mom.
- Mailbag
- So... Y'all going to actually keep this up? For real this time? ~a concerned patron
- Dave: I haz a new job! (a word about hiring market)
- Jamie: Hey, me too but at the same company. Working my way through the collision of responsibilities.
- Upcoming Appearances: -- more gratuitous self-promotion
- Dave: - Gartner DC
- James: - You just missed me at Open Source Data Infrastructure Toronto Meetup. I'm trying to avoid doing anything like actual work for the next little while.
- Closing Thoughts
- Seacrest Says: Be Vulnerable - it's good for U
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