Aug 15 2024 40 mins 1
As we continue to explore the tenants of the Milestones experience, today we're joined by Clinical Supervisor Amanda Morrow to discuss our innovative trauma expertise.
Together, Mickenzie, Christopher, and Amanda share the "magic" behind the Milestones clinical approach and the innovative recovery that works. As Amanda shares, the differentiating factor amongst the team of highly skilled clinicians is the heart, compassion, and care they bring into everything they do.
She shares about different therapeutic modalities, how we approach trauma and addiction, and encouragement for people considering this work.
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Mentioned in this Episode:
2:02 - Amanda's role as Milestones' Clinical Supervisor
5:35 - How Milestones approaches trauma
8:00 - The difference between attachments and addictions
12:27 - The importance of creating a predictable and supportive environment
15:57 - The indescribable "magic" of Milestones
19:33 - Milestones therapeutic modalities
21:43 - How trauma impacts our bodies
24:50 - How we unlearn our trauma
27:54 - The most surprising things about the Milestones experience
33:45 - Regulating the effect of trauma on our nervous systems
38:54 - Amanda's encouragement for those considering Milestones