Feb 29 2024 60 mins 1
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The Show's Sponsors
Wonder Walker & Co. The original "No Pull" harness, handmade since 2003 by the same family in Seattle. A premium quality, safer, more comfortable harness for you dog.
Fig & Tyler. Single ingredient, human grade, premium quality treats.
About Sara
Sara Carson is considered one of the top trick dog instructors in the world and is certified through "Do More With Your Dog!" She has been nationally recognized for showcasing her achievements such as the CW Dog Honors 'top trick' award in 2020, The Great Mats 'Dog Trainer of the Year' in 2017. Her dogs have earned a multitude of working and sport titles such as agility, dock diving, barn hunt and tricks. She has also placed across the board in disc dog competitions and taught the art form of canine freestyle dance. You can learn much more about Sara here.
Sara Carson, a dog trainer and performer, shares her life's journey . . . everything from being a dog trainer to teaching dogs to perform to living out of an RV for most of the year to a near crushing blow on America's Got Talent. Sarah also talks about how she selects dogs for performance, why she holds them accountable, knowing when to retire a dog, and Instagram stardom!
00:00 Show Opens
04:07 Sarah Carson's Journey on America's Got Talent
06:14 Sarah Carson's Career as a Dog Trainer
09:37 Training Dogs for Performances
12:57 Training Behaviors for Shows
21:00 Sarah Carson as an Instagram Star
26:05 Dog Tricks and Training
30:20 Success in Dog Training
31:48 Retirement of Working Dogs
34:12 Holding Dogs Accountable
35:09 Training Dogs for Performance
36:36 Life on the Road with Dogs
38:55 Finding Inspiration for Tricks and Routines
43:41 Training Service Dogs for Veterans
46:31 Working Dogs vs. Pet Dogs
51:10 Utilizing Dogs' Natural Behaviors
55:39 Rapid Fire Questions
58:31 Puppr App
Links & Stuff From the Show
America's Got Talent Audition - an unprecedented moment for her and AGT
Sara's Website: thesupercollies.com
Sara's Instagram: @thesupercollies and @thesupercolliesmom
The Puppr App for dog training
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