Dec 22 2024 35 mins 1
Weekly Leadership Challenge Email Sign Up
In the final episode of the year, Mario and Jamie issue the challenge for 2025 - Choose Growth.
In the final episode of the year, Mario and Jamie invite you to embrace the challenge of 2025: Choose Growth.
Life will bring its share of challenges, triumphs, decisions, setbacks, failures, and opportunities. Through it all, the choice remains ours: to grow or to stay stagnant.
Growth begins when we step into consistency and leave complacency behind. Both will knock at our door—it's up to us to decide which one we welcome.
As 2025 approaches, the challenge is clear. It's not easy, but it is simple: Choose Growth.
Remember we exist for more, we are here to offer more, don't ever give up, every single one of us are Made4More.