The Order of the Solar Temple (International Death Cult)

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Nov 29 2020 34 mins   1

The Order of the Solar Temple was a international esoteric secret  society that was founded in Geneva, Switzerland 1984.  Their ideas and beliefs led to the murder or suicide of 74  people in 3 countries over a 2.5-year span (‘94-‘97). 

The OST claimed to be in a direct line with the Knights’ Templar and  preached ideas like reincarnation, the hollow earth, eugenics, and the  impending apocalypse. 

It had over 1000 members across France, Switzerland and Canada at it  largest, including many prominent members of industry and government.  The membership trended upper middle class to wealthy and most all of  them carried out seemingly normal lives.  That is, until the fires of 1994 shined a new light on The Solar Temple...

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