Feb 11 2025 7 mins 1
During the 2020 Presidential election, I frequently mentioned that there were 11 states that didn’t require even half a year of public schooling in American history, government or civics. At this point, I don’t know how many there are. But I know many millions of Americans now seem ignorant of how our government functions, and don’t seem too bothered by the idea that our democracy could go away. If no one teaches you about the Bill of Rights in the seventh grade, how can you be expected to be horrified thirty years later is someone is trying to do away with it it?
People’s almost giddy embrace of a situation in which a few guys go in and destroy whatever part of our government they feel like destroying that day, is definitely a sign that someone either 1) has no idea how a democracy functions, or 2) is done with it and wants to burn it all down. They also seem quite unaware of how an authoritarian takeover might affect their own lives.
The anger people feel about the unfairness of our system is justified, don’t get me wrong. But the brilliantly evil deflection that’s occurring - turning people against the federal workforce, for God’s sake - is a sign that some serious liars are playing with the national psyche. I have two relatives, one a doctor and one an oceanographer, who are genuinely heartbroken that the good work they were doing for their country has now been put on hold. Multiply them by tens of thousands of other civil servants now vilified by people convinced that such “faceless bureaucrats” are the source of their problems. Really…? Medical researchers are the source of our problems? People who feed starving children are the source of our problems? People who monitor fisheries are the source of our problems? People who dispense education grants are the source of our problems?
I think not. “But Marianne,” I’m told, “There’s so much fraud and abuse!” Which is why Congress created the role of Inspectors General, people responsible for preventing waste, fraud, and abuse in key government agencies like Defense, State, and Labor. Trump removed 18 of those watchdog officials as soon as he got into office.
All of this was planned.
So… I hope my videos are keeping you company in this darkened hour. I mention a few books in the video (Strongmen, How Democracies Die, and Tyranny) as well as an excellent Kara Swisher Podcast that I think encapsulates what’s going on quite well.
It’s all going to be okay, you know. Long term, this is going to make us better people and a better country. I just feel that. The short and middle term will probably be rough - it already is - but I’m betting on us to rise, to be courageous, and to save our democracy. Nothing less is at stake.
I have faith in us, and I have faith in God.
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