Dec 26 2023 61 mins 2
In Episode 137 of the Historical Light Masonic Podcast, we're embarking on an enthralling journey into the annals of Tuscan Lodge No 460, a well respected lodge under the revered Grand Lodge of Kansas. Our distinguished guest for this episode is none other than Past Grand Master Most Worshipful Tony Borum, a pivotal figure who not only served as the Charter Master of Tuscan Lodge but also currently fulfills the role of Secretary within its esteemed ranks.
Prepare to uncover the rich tapestry of Tuscan Lodge No 460, tracing its history within the Grand Lodge of Kansas. Join us for an illuminating conversation as we explore the origins, pivotal moments, and significant contributions that have woven the unique legacy of this extraordinary lodge.
Stay tuned for an engaging discussion that unveils the intricacies and historical significance of Tuscan lodge. #TuscanLodge460 #GrandLodgeofKansas #MasonicHistory #HistoricalLightPodcast