Today, Dr Laura Williams, Director of Undergraduate Research at Georgia Institute of Technology, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss some of the exciting work she did as an associate professor at Providence College with undergraduate students studying predatory bacteria and why we should care about this fascinating topic!
Host: Mark O. Martin
Guest: Laura Williams
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Links for this episode
- A quite ancient review article describing the different classes of predatory bacteria by yours truly.
- A very important article on this topic by the late Dr. Lynn Margulis and colleagues.
- An article about my very inspirational first microbiology professor at UCLA, Syd Rittenberg, who did early work on Bdellovibrio.
- Several more up to date review articles on Bdellovibrio.
- The website of Dr. Liz Sockett (where both yours truly and Dr. Williams received some generous training).
- A quite interesting article by Dr. Sockett on Bdellovibrio.
- An article suggesting that predatory bacteria could be used as “living antibiotics.”
- An article describing the BALOs concept.
- The article described by Dr. Williams.
- Dr. Williams laboratory group website.
- Dr. Williams current faculty/administrator page.
Intro music is by Reber Clark
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