Oct 23 2024 65 mins 3
The wish to leave the world a better place has long inspired people to attend law school and make a difference in the important ways only trial lawyers can. According to NITA Trustee Angela Vigil and Program Director Henry Su, pro bono publico provides an opportunity both to help those in need of legal counsel and to develop one’s oral advocacy skills. In this episode recognizing both this week's National Celebration of Pro Bono and the fifth anniversary of May the Record Reflect, Angela and Henry discuss a lawyer’s professional responsibilities, the advocacy skillset that pro bono work develops, and how to find pro bono opportunities. They also reveal their favorite tips, common mistakes they see in depositions and trials, and qualities embodied by courtroom superstars.
“I think law school lights a fire in smart and curious people for sure, so when you come out of law school, you have an idea of what kind of ways you want to apply these great new skills. That is definitely true in most recent generations and you just get rejuvenated when you talk with them and learn what they want to accomplish. I also think that, more and more, lawyers are listening and understanding that wellness and bringing your whole self to being part of your community is really important. You can’t just be a lawyer who locks yourself in a room and bills a bunch of hours for decades. It’s not healthy, it doesn’t last, it’s not good for you, it doesn’t encourage diversity and community. So, I think we all—and certainly younger-generation lawyers—are recognizing that you’ve got to bring your humanity to being part of your practice as well.” Angela Vigil
6:25 Model Rule of Professional Conduct 6.1
8:40 Pro Bono's impact on access to justice
13:00 Learning trial skills through pro bono service
16:44 Range of pro bono advocacy work
27:35 Inspiration for doing work that is “advisory”
33:45 Generational desire to make a difference
35:37 Wellness and performance
38:16 Obligation to provide competent representation
42:25 Making time for pro bono
46:15 Witnessing skills growth through pro bono
53:00 Common mistakes in depositions and at trial
56:54 Superstar lawyer qualities
58:51 Favorite insider’s tips
1:00:46 Signoff questions
Angela Vigil (bio)
Henry Su (bio)
ABA Model Rule 6.1 (link)
National Pro Bono Opportunities Guide (state search engine)
ABA Free Legal Answers volunteer (registration)
May the Record Reflect (Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4)
The Resilient Lawyer (podcast episode)