Mar 05 2024 31 mins 1
Meet Elena,
In her late teens she left Russia for a few months exchange in the US and hated it! But having met the love of her life there, she took it upon herself to go back and go to college there. Fast forward 18 years later she has settled there, overcome all the challenges and now moved to France with her family. This new move came with it's own challenges such as language, culture and of course a new way of life.
On her 5th language now Elena shares her foolproof method to learn and a little more about her upcoming l 5-day free language challenge
https://lgelena.comMy podcast
☕ Mokxa for wonderful coffee
🌳 Take a stroll along the Rhone and Saone
🎤 Song: Mon ami by Serena x Adrea Banuti
To get in touch with Elena:
Website https://lgelena.comMy
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.