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May 03 2021 1 mins   15


In modern society, with the development of the Internet, and the impact of the epidemic, more people can work from home.


More and more people no longer need a fixed unit to go to work, such as to go to work in a company, a department or an organization.


More and more people work from home and complete their work through the Internet. Or not through the Internet, but working for themselves.


This is what we might call freelancing. So, let me give you some examples.


Freelance photographers, for example, can attract more and more clients by presenting their work, such as those who specialize in wedding photography or travel photos.


The other is the cake private shop mentioned last time, which is more suitable for women.


In recent years, some people who specialize in writing online novels have become online writers, who earn high copyright fees by publishing their works online.


Another one that's very common is designers, because designers just have to do their work in front of the computer, and then deliver it to the client over the Internet, so it has more flexibility, so there are a lot of freelance designers now.


There is also a large group of people in China who do "We Media". Personally, I think the term "We Media" is not accurate, but let's call it that for the moment.


Some we-media is to make short videos, some we-media is to write articles, and some we-media is to make audio.