Feb 15 2025 109 mins 17
The Telepathy Tapes has become one of the most popular podcasts in the world. Severely autistic non-verbal children and adults have apparently always been able to read minds, and they’re receiving revelations from God that validate a Messianic Jewish perspective. Our guests today, First Fruits of Zion’s Director of Education, D. Thomas Lancaster, and Jeremiah Michael from the Bram Center for Messianic Jewish Learning, are here to untangle the spiritual implications of this phenomenon—is it real? And if so, what is our proper response to it?
– Takeaways –
• Experts have historically dismissed telepathy, but new evidence has emerged that non-verbal autistic individuals have unique connections to a spiritual realm where such abilities may in fact exist.
• While there was controversy among the scientific community in the original case studies, new technology and methods of communication have since evolved that invalidate the original objections to telepathy.
• The nature of reality is complex, with spiritual dimensions influencing our perceptions. This exploration into the experience of non-verbal autistic children is a glimpse behind the veil of the material world into the world of souls. This vision validates the standard belief in Judaism of the pre-existence of the soul. This world of souls is where consciousness operates on a spiritual level beyond material understanding.
• What these children have told us aligns with biblical stories and teachings within Judaism and the message they bring to the world emphasizes love and repentance.
• Non-verbal autistic children have a profound spiritual mission.
• The human ego often gets in the way of accessing the spiritual world. Severely autistic children seem to have acquired their gifts by virtue of their inherent lack of ego. This causes us to question, can anyone gain high spiritual giftings by putting themselves through a rigorous exercise to nullify the ego?
• Idolatry is incompatible with the presence of God.
• Regardless of what we are told regarding the spiritual world, the Scriptures must remain our guardrail to determine ultimate truth so that a person does not fall into the occult.
• Necromancy is forbidden, but messages from the deceased can occur.
• Jewish tradition around the soul’s journey to God during sleep has been validated.
• How can we best understand the fact that non-speaking autistic Jewish kids have not had experiences of meeting Jesus in their spiritual encounters?
• There is a spiritual interconnectedness between the Jewish people.
• Glimpsing into the world of thought elicits a profound sense of the fear of man but more importantly it ought to also lead us to a fear of God.
• The primary takeaway is that God and the spiritual realm are actually real. The Messiah is coming and calling humanity to repentance. Since we are more than physical bodies, we should feel inspired to BE more and to LIVE for more than physical existence but to aim for things higher and more noble.
– Resources –
Messiah Podcast Episode 67: Autism, Telepathy, and Faith
The Beginning of Wisdom:
The Telepathy Tapes:
Josiah's Fire:
The Book of Heaven:
Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
– Takeaways –
• Experts have historically dismissed telepathy, but new evidence has emerged that non-verbal autistic individuals have unique connections to a spiritual realm where such abilities may in fact exist.
• While there was controversy among the scientific community in the original case studies, new technology and methods of communication have since evolved that invalidate the original objections to telepathy.
• The nature of reality is complex, with spiritual dimensions influencing our perceptions. This exploration into the experience of non-verbal autistic children is a glimpse behind the veil of the material world into the world of souls. This vision validates the standard belief in Judaism of the pre-existence of the soul. This world of souls is where consciousness operates on a spiritual level beyond material understanding.
• What these children have told us aligns with biblical stories and teachings within Judaism and the message they bring to the world emphasizes love and repentance.
• Non-verbal autistic children have a profound spiritual mission.
• The human ego often gets in the way of accessing the spiritual world. Severely autistic children seem to have acquired their gifts by virtue of their inherent lack of ego. This causes us to question, can anyone gain high spiritual giftings by putting themselves through a rigorous exercise to nullify the ego?
• Idolatry is incompatible with the presence of God.
• Regardless of what we are told regarding the spiritual world, the Scriptures must remain our guardrail to determine ultimate truth so that a person does not fall into the occult.
• Necromancy is forbidden, but messages from the deceased can occur.
• Jewish tradition around the soul’s journey to God during sleep has been validated.
• How can we best understand the fact that non-speaking autistic Jewish kids have not had experiences of meeting Jesus in their spiritual encounters?
• There is a spiritual interconnectedness between the Jewish people.
• Glimpsing into the world of thought elicits a profound sense of the fear of man but more importantly it ought to also lead us to a fear of God.
• The primary takeaway is that God and the spiritual realm are actually real. The Messiah is coming and calling humanity to repentance. Since we are more than physical bodies, we should feel inspired to BE more and to LIVE for more than physical existence but to aim for things higher and more noble.
– Resources –
Messiah Podcast Episode 67: Autism, Telepathy, and Faith
The Beginning of Wisdom:
The Telepathy Tapes:
Josiah's Fire:
The Book of Heaven:
Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.