Mar 09 2025 45 mins 4
On the first night of spring, you are welcomed back to The witches’ cottage in "Secret Garden of Time," a magical bedtime story for grown-ups. Beneath the moon’s silver gaze, you’ll follow a hidden path to a sacred garden, planting seeds of hope and transformation as the three sisters have done for centuries. Then, back in the warmth of the cottage, you’ll curl up in a cozy alcove, drifting to sleep as candlelight flickers and a cat purrs at your feet. It’s time to dream away
Original Script, Production, Music, and Narration by Michelle Hotaling, Dreamaway Visions LLC 2025 All Rights Reserved
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Michelle's Sanctuary is a place where you may enjoy high quality relaxing stories for sleep and guided sleep meditations completely FREE with a focus on mental vacations, sleep hypnosis, manifestations, and using your imagination to enjoy relaxing adventures before bedtime. Grown-ups deserve bedtime stories too!Having firsthand experience with anxiety, insomnia, and a strong desire to connect with my higher self and live my best life, I have tailored these recordings in ways that I have personally found helpful. This channel is not a replacement for consultations with a doctor or medical professional but can help you find more balance and a healing night's sleep. I always welcome comments, feedback & suggestions.