Repaso libre a la Transglobal World Music Chart de este mes, confeccionada a través de la votación de un panel de divulgadores de las músicas del mundo de todos los continentes, del que los hacedores de Mundofonías somos cocreadores y coimpulsores. En este mes de febrero del 2025, resuenan ecos de Nueva Zelanda, Polonia, Colombia, Croacia, Bosnia, Hungría, Estambul, Taiwán y Mali, para terminar con la recreación de la música andalusí de Al Andaluz Project, con la recopilación que le ha situado en el número 1.
Free review of the Transglobal World Music Chart for this month, compiled through the voting of a panel of world music broadcasters from all continents, of which we, the makers of Mundofonías, are co-creators and co-promoters. In this February 2025, echoes of New Zealand, Poland, Colombia, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Istanbul, Taiwan, and Mali resonate, concluding with the recreation of Andalusi music by Al Andaluz Project, with the compilation that has placed it at number 1.
- Muriwai - Whakamihia - Muriwai
- Karolina Węgrzyn - Rozczesała rozpuściła - Oy vesna krasna
- Matachindé - Pioqué - Morir cantando
- Donja Jeka - Sunašce se na pol dana vija - Sunce te gleda
- Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Bosa mara Bosnu pregazila - Bosa mara
- Cserepes - Nyankanga - The beginning of the beginning: Africa remix
- BaBa ZuLa - Pisi pisi halayı - İstanbul sokakları
- Sauljaljui - Sapuy - Vaivaik
- Samba Touré - Aminako - Baarakelaw
- Al Andaluz Project - Segunda twichia nuba Garibat El Hussein / Insiraf btahyi Garibat El Hussein - The songs of Iman Kandoussi: Traditional Arabic Andalusian
📸 Al Andaluz Project (Juan Miguel Morales)
Free review of the Transglobal World Music Chart for this month, compiled through the voting of a panel of world music broadcasters from all continents, of which we, the makers of Mundofonías, are co-creators and co-promoters. In this February 2025, echoes of New Zealand, Poland, Colombia, Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Istanbul, Taiwan, and Mali resonate, concluding with the recreation of Andalusi music by Al Andaluz Project, with the compilation that has placed it at number 1.
- Muriwai - Whakamihia - Muriwai
- Karolina Węgrzyn - Rozczesała rozpuściła - Oy vesna krasna
- Matachindé - Pioqué - Morir cantando
- Donja Jeka - Sunašce se na pol dana vija - Sunce te gleda
- Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Bosa mara Bosnu pregazila - Bosa mara
- Cserepes - Nyankanga - The beginning of the beginning: Africa remix
- BaBa ZuLa - Pisi pisi halayı - İstanbul sokakları
- Sauljaljui - Sapuy - Vaivaik
- Samba Touré - Aminako - Baarakelaw
- Al Andaluz Project - Segunda twichia nuba Garibat El Hussein / Insiraf btahyi Garibat El Hussein - The songs of Iman Kandoussi: Traditional Arabic Andalusian
📸 Al Andaluz Project (Juan Miguel Morales)