Session 5 - Finally Fighting!

Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Nov 02 2022 57 mins   23

It's here: the moment you've all been waiting for! Juicy combat! Big hits on both sides! Giant swings and gianter-misses! Razzing Lester because he invited it! Whatever you thought this would be, you're not ready.

CW: above-mentioned razzing, spiders (face), confinement, profanity (you know this one by now, right?)

SomeWhere in the Dark by Holizna

Lucid Dreaming by Holizna

Nocturnal by Holizna

Humid Cave by Michael Ghelfi Studios

Run While You Can by Holizna

Ad break: Give a listen to our friends at The Storyteller Squad!