Feb 10 2025 39 mins 15
Today we're speaking to Federico Sohns about their game Zephyr on Not DnD. The world feels dark, moody and almost lonely, but the game also provide elements of colours and connection. This is a really unique game, and I think it will be a really interesting discussion to listen to.
You play one of the Windfall who are are born of, and live upon, the back of a colossal sentient content. You travel across it to fulfil sacred obligations. Obligation and Debt are a key theme of the game, and has an Obligation Mechanic as tool used to craft adventures.
The game also explores Feeling and Identity. Coloured tokens represent the different emotions of the sentient content you travel upon, and used to build your character as they discover their sense of self.
Buy the game: https://www.araukana.com/store