Oct 29 2024 41 mins 5
Rae Pica has been a fierce advocate for children and childhood for over 40 years. And during that time she’s written a whole bookshelf full of books on the topic. Today, she’s sharing her latest addition to that bookshelf, it came out just last week, Why Play?: How to Make Play an Essential Part of Early Education.
In this newest book, Rae dives into the importance of play in early childhood education, how to partner with parents, why different modes of play are beneficial, and how to support each type of play. She even touches on some of the tricky topics associated with play, like rough and tumble play and gun play. It’s her latest and possibly her greatest, and she’s sharing it with us in today’s episode.
If you want to know how to better advocate for play in early childhood, this episode is for you.
Find shownotes, including a full transcript, at notjustcute.com/podcast/episode77.