Jul 31 2020 36 mins 52
“Cap and Lutiga share the story of their lives in the beginning.”
**The transcript and trigger list can be found at the bottom of this episode description**
Cast and Crew of Today's Episode:
Cap was voiced by Jona Lune
Mom was voiced by Ace Corsaira
Lutiga was voiced by Nicole Tuttle
Dad was voiced by Dylan Shane
Percy was voiced by Allison Dauphine
TV Host was voiced by Anne Kopriva
The Matriarch was voiced by Aurore Gautheur
The Way Things Were pt. 1 was written by Sterling Rae and Jude Reid
Sound Editing was by Xander
Music was composed and performed by Benny James
Novitero is a Goose Thunder Network Produced Podcast
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-References to potential character death
-Torture mention