Jan 20 2025 20 mins 6
God designed the infrastructure of our brains to run on relational joy. What does this mean for our daily life?
In our first series of 2025, we're diving back into the B.U.I.L.D. Maturity Model from Breakthrough! and covering the important emotional engine of Increase Your Joy Bonds.
If our brains run on relational joy, it's probably a good idea to know more about our relational attachments, our joy bonds. How can we increase our joy bonds and retrain our brains from defaulting to fearful attachments?
In this week's episode, we're covering the Joy Elevator of the brain.
Join us on the trail!
P.S. If you're reading along with us in Breakthrough!, check out chapter eight.
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- RISE ABOVE free conference: https://deeperwalk.com/rise-above
- Breakthrough: https://deeperwalk.com/breakthrough-book
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