Online Dating In 2022: Episode 15 - The Online Dating Terms You Need To Know!

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Feb 08 2022 24 mins   8

In Episode 15 of Online Dating In 2022: What You Should and Should Not Expect we discuss the Online Dating Terms and "Lingo". Have you ever been on the Online Dating Sites or Dating Apps and read something and didn't know what you were reading or how to respond? Online Dating, or virtually searching for Love and Romance can be confusing if you can't speak the Dating Lingo. We explain some of the more common Dating terms and acronyms that you may encounter when meeting and conversating with someone while Online Dating. So use this episode as your cheat sheet so you can explain to that potential mate that you would rather have a LTR instead of a ONS! As always team, thanks for the support and please continue to do so. Stay safe, Be Blessed, and until Saturday....Peace!

#OnlineDatingIn2022 #FWB #OnlineDatingPhrases


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