Jan 06 2025 32 mins 3
Studies summarized in the book Beauty Pays indicate that attractive people earn more than people considered average-looking. In a large nationwide study, it was shown that beautiful people make 15% more than others in the exact same jobs. Given all of this, you may wonder if physical appearance is all there is to be attractive. The answer is a resounding 'No'. In today's episode, McKay brings together stories, studies, and real-life examples of what makes people attractive, opening your eyes to what truly makes you pleasant, and stressing why you need to know what draws you to people.
To kick off, McKay tells the tale of the successful moon landing of the heaviest rocket ever built after numerous failures with previous rockets, explains how people are unaware of why they're attracted to something or someone, and lays out that factors such as early childhood experiences can subconsciously draw a person to what they're attracted to. McKay also explores one significant point—attractiveness has a broader definition beyond mere physical beauty and it has more to do with who you are than how you look. citing other such important aspects as positivity, empathy, and interest in other people. He warns against speaking ill of other people in their absence and highlights the fact that being a good listener is attractive. In essence, McKay's overall message here today is that when you are intentionally positive, practice genuine empathy, speak only good of people, know when to say nothing, and be a person who seeks to learn from other people, your God-given attractiveness will shine and grow – a valuable message for all to heed.
The Finer Details of This Episode:
- The story of the heaviest rocket landing on the moon
- The analogy of the rock found on the moon to today's topic—why you're attractive
- Why people are attracted to the things they're attracted to
- A study from the book Beauty Pays relating attractiveness to earning
- Attractiveness goes beyond mere physical beauty; it has more to do with who you are than how you look
- The significance of understanding why you are attractive
- How positive interaction creates more attraction and affinity
- Case studies of how childhood memories influence attractiveness
- Other reasons for attraction include similar attitudes, beliefs and values, demographic characteristics, and nonverbal behaviors
- The attractiveness of positivity, empathy, and being a listener
- Three things you must always ask yourself before you say anything
"Research shows that our attraction often stems from our patterns of experiences in life going back to early childhood."
"Remember, attractiveness has a broader definition beyond mere physical beauty."
"It's proven that attractiveness has more to do with who you are than how you look."
"If you're in the people business and have regular interaction with the human side of work, whether it be with customers, vendors, or team members, it helps to have a good understanding of why you are attractive."
"Seek to find common areas of interest or agreement. This makes you more attractive. And the more similar you are, the more attractive you will be. When you have a similar outlook and views, it fuels attraction."
"Positivity heavily correlates to predicting a salesperson's success even if they lack the prerequisite selling aptitude."
"If they're not there to hear what you say, don't say anything or say something positive."
"When you're true to others, you have a light about you. When you enter into gossip or tearing down another person, you lose that light. You feel different as a result, and different means not good. And I learned that if you can't be kind, be quiet."
"When I'm around other people who speak ill of others outside of their presence, I always wonder how do those people speak about me when I'm not around?"
"I believe within you are the traits to be incredibly attractive. You are a beauty, a wonder, a masterpiece to your Creator who spent much of his imagination and divine power to make you who you are today. You were made to be attractive, to draw people, to help them and share your talents with them."
"Rather than be convinced that you have all the answers, listen. Listen to the advice and wisdom of others. Be interested in others and what they have to say, and that alone will draw people to you and cause you to be attractive."
"Be the person who shows up with a humble gesture of 'I want to learn from you.' It'll be a sure way to build bridges and gain trust. It shows your humility, a leadership strength that ultimately influences people."
"Attraction comes from who you are more than how you look."
"Be intentionally positive, put yourself in the other person's shoes, and practice true empathy. Speak only good of people and know when to say nothing. Be a person who seeks to learn from other people and watch what happens. Your God-given attractiveness will shine and grow. And soon you'll have greater influence and more success in your business, family, schooling, marriage, and other key roles you may be living in your life today."
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