Feb 03 2025 50 mins 4
Paper Talk The Paper Lover’s Podcast
Welcome back friends so happy you are here today we are sharing with all of you our crafty goals for 2025 . So grab yourself a cozy drink and join us for another chatty episode of all things paper and stickers.
We ask that you please visit our Instagram account @paper_talk to stay updated .
Where you can find the paper goodies and paper loving friends mentioned in today's episode :
- Hemlock and Oak : IG- @Hemlockandoak
- BFF Sticker Club : IG- @thebffstickerclub
- Heba Alsibal: IG - @hebaalsibal - Me ,Myself and I Project
- Traci Reed : IG - @tracimreed
- Laura Wonsik :IG -@ laura_wonsik
- Andrea Lake : IG- @Andrealakecreates
* Chicas De Papel for January 2025:
- Nikki Basque : IG - @primandplanning
- Dorymar Lopez : IG - @dorymar_pl
- Elise : IG -@elisebydesign
Paper Talks Mottos for 2025 : Simply Creative - Simplify your creativity
Hello, crafty friends, and happy new year.
The girls here at Paper Talk took a look around our craft rooms and decided we need to get back to the fundamentals of scrapbooking: making the things! Our overfilled craft rooms is where the inspiration for a new fresh challenge was born.
So, welcome to being simply creative in 2025.
We are leaving behind overthinking and prioritizing finished projects.
We are pulling out pretty paper and fun embellishments and embracing the process of using them up.
Our hope is that you will join us in simplifying your creativity along with us. There will be some fun challenges and creative episodes (and maybe a few more things up our sleeves). Look for stories and posts. We can’t wait to craft with you all.
Let’s document our lives and use up our supplies, paper lovers and crafters! #beCreative2025PT #scrapbooking #paperlover
Weekly Stories shared on our Instagram feed :
- Making Monday
- Workspace Wednesday
- Flashback Friday
- Simply Creative Saturday
As always we appreciate your continued support
XoXo Paper Talk
We ask that you please visit our Instagram account @paper_talk to stay updated and as always we appreciate all your continued support.