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Mar 26 2024 34 mins   5

In this episode of the Passion and Purpose podcast we talk about how we need accountability with people we are honest, and open with, what does that look like for Jimmy and we provide a template of accountability questions to help you build those types of relationships.

You can find a list of accountability questions to get you started here:


Passion & Purpose is a podcast of kitchen table conversations, biblical wisdom, and testimonies from Jimmy and the Antioch Movement. Our desire is that these episodes would help grow your passion for Jesus and for His purposes in the Earth.

For more resources to help you in transforming your personal life and every sphere of society, visit my website at https://www.jimmyseibert.com

Follow me for more ways to grow in your love for Jesus on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jimmy_seibert/

For more information on the Antioch Movement, visit https://antioch.org