The futures of higher education

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Dec 15 2022 42 mins   2

The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, which involves over 850 institutions in 117 countries, promotes international inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. As part of the celebration of its 30th anniversary experts shared their reflections and hopes for higher education’s next steps from range of global and thematic perspectives and how to pave the way for better scenarios in the years to come.

The session The futures of higher education was organized by UNESCO IESALC and was moderated by Francesc Pedró, Director, UNESCO IESALC. and the panellists were: 

  • Elif Çepni, UNESCO Chair on Anticipation Studies, Futures Literacy and Strategic Foresight, Karabuk University, Türkiye 

  • Renato Opertti, Senior Expert in Education, UNESCO Chair on Hybrid Education: Innovative Curriculum, Learning, Assessment and Educational Technologies, UNESCO - IBE / Catholic University of Uruguay 

  • Olusola Oyewole, Secretary-General of the Association of African Universities

  • Atsufumi Yokoi, Vice President for Global Engagement Strategy, UNESCO Chair in Research and Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama University, Japan

  • Emma Sabzalieva, Head of Research and Foresight, UNESCO IESALC 
