Mar 09 2025 33 mins 9
This episode examines physicist Roger Penrose's extremely wild and imaginative theory for
explaining the ridiculously improbable order of the Big Bang without invoking an intelligent
cause. Penrose describes the tremendous problem of explaining the unlikely Big Bang as
In order to produce a universe resembling the one in which we live, the Creator would
have to aim for an absurdly tiny volume of the phase space of possible universes –
about 1/10^10^123 of the entire volume...This is an extraordinary figure. One could not
possibly even write the number down in full...
When Penrose speaks about the Creator, he means it metaphorically, as he doesn’t believe in
God. This episode shows how Penrose’s theory - Conformal Cyclic Cosmology - attempts to
explain the improbable order of the Big Bang without an intelligent Creator, and ultimately
justifies why we think the argument for an intelligent cause still stands.
0:00 - Opening
2:02 - Introduction
3:32 - Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
8:16 - The Universe Loses Track of Time….
13:56 - Disappearance of Mass
20:36 - Hawking Radiation and Entropy Transcendence
25:54 - Evaluation Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
30:10 - Outro
Get essay versions of all episodes in Season 1: Intelligent Cause and Season 2: Analyzing & Rejecting Multiverse
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