Jun 23 2023 57 mins 7
What if.....instead of pretending it’s not angsty, we started working through that intentionally? After a super busy few months, Colleen and Jamie reflect on what we need to move through life at this moment. We start to consider what we would like to be doing next and spitball a plan to conceptualize tackling it. Listen in and join us in the Facebook group to let us know if you are ready to tackle the same things we are challenged with.
This episode was recorded on June 1st, 2023, amid the travels and busyness of early summer.
Episode Highlights
We've been everywhere but home
We aren't even sure what's happening
How Colleen's planner is going right now
Jamie has a suggestion about Journaling kits
Colleen's genius idea to focus on our what we want
When was the last time you asked what do YOU want?
How do you fill your time as responsibility shifts
Do we even know people anymore....?
Should we be planning a retreat?
Revisiting what we want to be doing next
Areas we've been struggling
You don't know what you don't know
Making space for our friendships
Shop Recommends
Let's Plan It - https://www.instagram.com/letsplanit/
Prints by Rish - https://www.instagram.com/printsbyrish/
Bubba Bear Studios - https://www.instagram.com/bubbabearstudios/
Stick With Nick Co - https://www.instagram.com/stickwithnickco/
Notiq - https://www.instagram.com/notiqbrand/
Book Recommends
Year of Yes - Shonda Rhimes
The Happiness Project - Gretchen Ruben
Atlas of the Heart - Brenee Brown
The Artist Way - Julia Cameron
I love this episode. Join the conversation in our Facebook Group. If you'd like to plan and chat with other folks, consider joining our Patreon to attend our live meetups via Zoom!