Apr 02 2024 20 mins 1
There is no courage without vulnerability as Brene Brown says. Vulnerability involves uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. It feels very vulnerable to share my diagnosis with you, but I want you to be a part of the journey.
Being plucky is about enduring the messy middle and going through the valleys to get to the finish line, the medal, the mountain top.
While cancer is not what I expected, nor is it what I wanted at this stage of my life, I can see it as a gift.
If you want to hear more about my story, take 20 minutes and listen. May you be encouraged to see your own challenges as opportunities as well.
In this episode I refer to 5 levels of gratitude I learned from James Wedmore, in which he talks about on his podcast, Mind Your Business.
Remember to share your #pluckynotperfect moments on social media. Tag me and use the hashtag when you show up bravely and imperfectly. I want to celebrate with you!
Connect with your host: Coach Carrie @carriejobradley or email me at [email protected].