11-Year-Old Parenting Montana Tools

Mar 28 2023 25 ep. 19 mins 5
11-Year-Old Parenting Montana Tools Podcast artwork

Your eleven-year-old may have mixed emotions about their middle school years, and they will enjoy many highs as well as endure some lows. Proactively engaging and connecting with your child/teen today will make a huge impact on how well they are able to navigate the exciting years ahead. Children/teens are better able to learn how to manage their own behaviors, solve problems, and make responsible decisions when they are intentionally engaged. Now is the right time for parents and those in a parenting role to help their child/teen grow self-confidence, respect, and the ability to make healthy life choices. This podcast provides a process and tools from ParentingMontana.org to teach you small things you can implement right now to support your child’s/teen’s healthy development. Your daily interactions with your child/teen will be relationship building, learning experiences if you use the tools provided in this podcast. Engaging in meaningful conversations and problem solving alongside them will help your child/teen develop the social and emotional skills they need to be successful today and in years to come. Each stage in a child’s/teen’s life brings parents and those in a parenting role proud moments as well as anxieties. Parenting is a big responsibility and not easy. Parenting needs evolve as children/teens mature, and ParentingMontana.org has resources for each age. The Montana Department of Health and Human Services joined with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University to promote healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development through ParentingMontana.org. The process and tools available started in Montana, yet parents everywhere can benefit from enhancing their skills. The tools in this podcast assist you in your daily interactions with your child/teen as you engage them using a five-step process: Gain Input, Teach, Practice, Support, and Recognize. Following the process enables you to face specific parenting challenges while strengthening your relationship with your child/teen. As your child/teen matures, you will be able to use the same familiar process to support their needs. Strong communication skills along with a trusting relationship enable parents and those in a parenting role to actively work through struggles alongside their child/teen. Learning how to engage your child/teen in communicating and problem solving will encourage the skills necessary for lifelong success. The tools available for parenting your eleven-year-old include: Anger, Back Talk, Bullying, Chores, Confidence, Conflict, Discipline, Establishing Rules About Alcohol, Friends, Homework, Listening, Lying, Mixed Messages About Alcohol, Peer Pressure, Reading, Routines, and Stress. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your parenting skills along with your child’s/teen’s success.