hCGChica's Podcast- hCG Diet Plan Success

Apr 27 2020 218
hCGChica's Podcast- hCG Diet Plan Success artwork

My own hCG weight loss journey consisted of losing 50lbs with the hCG Diet Plan. Here you can listen to REAL hCG diet reviews- everyday people like you and I who have had success with the hCG diet protocol. Whether you are using hCG injections, prescription hCG drops, or homeopathic hCG, the interviews I conduct cover them all. Hear about struggles and how the struggles were overcome. Many places online only discuss the basic rules of how to do the diet- I like to get into the nitty gritty about how to truly have success on the diet- it's not an easy diet and there is a mental and emotional component to getting through the hCG diet that is often overlooked- this is what I am trying to address so that YOU can be a success story yourself!