Get Wisdom

May 20 2022 15
Get Wisdom Podcast artwork

Karl Mollison, a scientist and inventor, has discovered the means through which a tiny percentage of people throughout history have successfully made direct contact with God. With this channel open, Karl has done what any reasonable person in such an unusual and surprising situation would do: ask endless questions! Why is God invisible to us? Why is there rampant evil in the world? Are there dark unseen forces working against us? Why has God not intervened to stop it? Why do good people suffer? How do we heal our physical, emotional and spiritual ills EFFECTIVELY? What is the destiny of humanity and what must WE do to get there? Get Wisdom is the show that brings divine answers he received directly to YOU. A reasonable person wouldn't miss it! Each show is packed with fascinating explanations from the Almighty about life’s deepest mysteries, and practical information, solutions that work, to transform your life for the better, find your true purpose, and make it count!