Bloodworks 101

Jun 14 2024 6
Bloodworks 101 Podcast artwork

Started in 2020, Bloodworks 101 is an Anthem Award-winning, weekly podcast produced by Bloodworks Northwest, a Seattle-based blood bank and research center. Episodes are designed to inspire and educate listeners to donate time, money or blood. 
On Bloodworks 101 you'll meet experts who can discuss everything from the importance of blood donation to trypanophobia (fear of needles). You'll meet a man who survived leukemia with the help of 267 blood transfusions, and a five-year-old boy who beat stage IV Neuroblastoma thanks to blood donors he'll never know. 
These are just a few of the stories you'll hear on Bloodworks 101, hosted by Emmy Award-winning producer John Yeager, who is joined by a team of producers including gifted storytellers Bill Harper, Helen Pitlick and Juan Cotto. 
in 2024, Bloodworks 101 won its fourth coveted Anthem Award, beating out more than 2,000 entries from 43 nations. 
Want inspiration? Listen to Bloodworks 101.