Raising Wild Hearts

May 12 2024 2
Raising Wild Hearts Podcast artwork

Raising Wild Hearts is an inspirational show for moms seeking solace in the messy middle of motherhood. We speak to experts and share resources on alternative education, parenting, creativity, nature, spirituality, healing trauma, relationships, self care, family culture, and mental health. The host, Ryann Watkin, is a passionate speaker, mom, wife, and educator. Nothing fills her up quite like a deep, philosophical conversation. Ryann is a self-proclaimed existential question asker, book lover, and inspiration junkie. After her experience with acute postpartum depression, her road to recovery opened doors for self-exploration — she began wondering if there was a better way to live, parent, and be in this world. Ryann's endless curiosity for psychology, spirituality, family, and where they all intersect is the heartbeat of Raising Wild Hearts.