LGOtv: Big Talk

Aug 18 2022
LGOtv: Big Talk Podcast artwork

Laura Gassner Otting is an instigator, a motivator, and never met a revolution she didn't like. Her podcast goes one step further than interesting conversations with interesting people who do interesting things. LGO and her guests push listeners to the edge of discomfort with thought-provoking conversations everyone needs to hear. LGO spent 20 years interviewing people not just about what they do and how they do it, but why they do it. She is endlessly intrigued by the human story, by that moment where each of us discovers something more inside of us, the thing that sets us apart and sets us on our path. And, frankly, with all this social isolation, she's dying to talk to more people.What's going to be different about this? Laura doesn't mess around and doesn't make small talk. You will not be bored with rehearsed "bits" that come as answers to rote questions.Tune in and be prepared for LGO's kick-in-the-ass wrapped in a warm hug.