How Good Are Humans!

Apr 21 2024 1
How Good Are Humans! Podcast artwork

'How Good Are Humans!' is a social project with many intentions. Primarily, it is to unveil the truly inspiring, motivating and moving personalities within society. It shines a light on those who are going above and beyond the call of duty to better themselves and the community around them; from adventure athletes raising money for charity, to quiet bookworms endeavouring to help others learn. Ultimately, this project is a celebration of humanity in a time when the world could do with just a little more of it. With each episode, join me on a quest to discover amazing people around the world in this quirky interview style podcast. Quirky, because I really have no technical idea what I'm doing. My method: just stick a microphone in front of someone interesting and ask questions out of curiosity. The subjects and their idiosyncratic missions will be different from week to week, but trust me when I say the common thread is they are all heartening and uplifting. You may even know one of the guests, but have no idea of the work they are quietly achieving. Remember, above all, the most inspiring person that you have never met could be sitting right beside you.