Newbie Homemade Mashup Lab

Mar 14 2025 1075 ep. 4 mins
Newbie Homemade Mashup Lab Podcast artwork

This channel will continue weekly updating from October 2023. 『本頻道將在 2023 年 10 月中開始恢復周更』 An entry level homemade mashup channel, please give me an inform for any infringement such that I can remove them immediately, thank you. 『這是一個新手家庭 mashup 頻道,若侵犯到您的權益敬請告知,我將盡快移除該曲目,造成不便請見諒。』 Episodes under this channel are experimental mashups, please support, promote, or even be a sponsorship to the authors from these songs if you like them. 『本頻道所有內容均為實驗性質的 mashup 歌曲,若您覺得好聽請務必給予原作者支持鼓勵與贊助,促進音樂的推廣與交流。』 Please remark this RSS feed just in case if this channel be banned from any of the platforms: 『可記下這個 RSS feed 以防頻道無預警被各大平台移除 』 I've collected most of the materials from episodes in the Spotify playlist, 『頻道中絕大多數素材均已整理至 Spotify 播放清單,請參考 』 Daily update at 12:00 PM GMT+8. 『每日台灣時間中午12點更新。』 Special requests are acceptable, please consider the following info. 『接受點播,聯繫方式在下面。』 Reach me on my menu link: 『可來這邊找我: 』 Donations are always welcome: 『無限期接受斗內: 』 Last RSS update at: NOW 『RSS 最後更新時間: 即時更新 』   -- Hosting provided by SoundOn