The Cross Section Podcast

May 17 2021
The Cross Section Podcast artwork

As a cyclist and filmmaker and photographer, this is a new creative outlet for me and one that I am very excited about. I think one of the takeaways of 2020 is just how much I miss the people in my life and fostering those relationships so this seemed like a natural progression. I was kind of down in the dumps in the early winter and I missed everyone. I had been flirting with a podcast for quite some time and I decided to just go for it. I do not make any claims that I know what I’m doing. If you're into photography, bikes, and art, I sit down with people I find to be pretty interesting and unique. The show sort of cross-polinates amongst those topics and the podcast is the result. These are the conversations I would have on any given day. This is a show where my goal is to hang out with athletes, artists, musicians, friends and just follow the conversation wherever it leads and I thought, maybe, you might be interested in what we explore. Have a listen and follow wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes will typically drop each Sunday. For Season 1, which will include only 10-15 episodes, I hope you like it.