Edge of the Hedge

Feb 01 2023 4 ep. 28 mins 1
Edge of the Hedge Podcast artwork

Edge of the Hedge podcast guides you in rekindling and nurturing your connection with nature, through field recordings, rich narration, sensory exploration and contemplation. It takes you on an gentle, peaceful audio journey, walking the landscape with herbalist and nature educator, Hannah Sylvester, tracking the seasons and changing landscapes through the year. Join us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, for visual augmentations to each episode - just search 'Edge of the Hedge. What other people say: "Really love the production of these podcasts; feels like your out and about in the environment Hannah is in, her words are descriptive and rhythmic making listening and learning about the topic easy and pleasant.". "Soothing and intimate: Hannah Knows her plants and has a natural kindship with the landscape and the turning of the year. This podcast feels like a walk with a gentlewoman or wise woman, or both! Make a cup of tea, relax and treat yourself to 23 minutes of peaceful insights"