I.T. Overdrive

Sep 15 2021
I.T. Overdrive Podcast artwork

I.T. Overdrive focuses on insights, strategies, and current information technology systems and tools which help small to medium-sized business avoid IT nightmares, solve confusing problems, and gives them peace of mind. Are you struggling with your office I.T.? You got into business to do what you love, not hassle with networks and failing PCs. Stop letting I.T. make you frustrated and overwhelmed. Is your data safe? Most businesses don't know if they are secure or not. A data breach is always very expensive. Is your network not working for you? The fix could be simple. How old is that server you've got in the closet? Upgrading isn't as expensive as you think. A lot rides on your I.T. Employees report being happier and getting more work completed when they're not wrestling with I.T. issues. Downtime is costing you real money and productivity. Is your data safe? Gain peace of mind when you know it is secure. Each episode of I.T. Overdrive features informative tips and current best practices provided by Kellly Herrod, a veteran I.T. expert and founder of Herrod Technology. Kelly maps out successful I.T. strategies that leave business owners and office managers going to work not thinking about I.T. We want to keep it that way. We believe that I.T. should just work, so that you can be successful at business. For notes and more episodes, go to ITOverdrivePodcast.com.