DAYnamics Show

Feb 15 2024
DAYnamics Show Podcast artwork

Welcome to the DAYnamics Show where we curate resources to remind you to align with your *dynamic well-being every DAY. That is why the 'DAY' in DAYnamics Show is capitalized, it's a 'DAY'ly thing!
Explore our diverse playlists—The Fundamentals, Off The Cuff, The Discussion, and Vehicle Videos—each designed to plant seeds for laying the foundation for a dynamic life. There's no one-size-fits-all path; choose what serves and feels right for you. 
You have landed here for some reason, so listen to what you are attracted to and will serve your well-being. Whether our podcasts resonate, evoke thoughts, or spark disagreement, it's all part of the journey. Your empowerment is key, so if our content aligns, feel free to subscribe and share. If it triggers introspection, embrace it. Ask yourself why, aiming not to conform but to find YOUR balance around that subject. Win-win! 
All content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes and are our teams and guests perspectives only.  You may also hear and see it referred to as Shownamics (Show + Dynamics). 
*dynamic(s) is defined as (of a person): capable of action and open to change and development/progress/new experiences, always learning and constantly growing, positive in attitude, full of energy and new ideas within different interactions.  Always becoming (better/more). Energetic, spirited, powerful, vigor, advancing yourself, evolving. 
Recordings are 5-30 minutes.