Join award-winning linguists Professor Stephen Matthews and Professor Virginia Yip for an exploration of languages and linguistics. What we discover about language is like what we see through a kaleidoscope -- incredibly rich and colourful, but arranged in systematic patterns. Tune in to hear about fascinating linguistic phenomena, with a focus on Cantonese and English. 國際知名學者馬詩帆教授及葉彩燕教授將會和大家一同踏上探索語言與語言學的奇妙旅程。語言就像多姿多彩的萬花筒,有千變萬化的可能性,同時亦有規律與系統性。讓我們一起發掘不同的語言現象,尤其是粵語和英語中的有趣例子。