In the hushed circles of the heretical and the hopeful, there are whispered myths of a dark place. A place overgrown, forgotten, lost to the moss and the mists. A coppery putrid decay clings and coils like malodourous vines to the ancient stones and rotted wood of these ruins. Ruins long since abandoned save for those few barbaric enough to survive. Yet, in the oppressive baited silence of this nameless damnation, something stirs. Something hungry. Something that needs to feed. Welcome to Apocrypha. “Tales From Apocrypha” is a fantasy horror anthology podcast. The world of Apocrypha is full of all the creative themes I love: barbarity, tribalism, cannibalism, false prophets, daemons, monsters, dark powers calling out to be heard, and those who heed the calls. But that is just half of the Apocrypha project. "Tales From Apocrypha" is also running a Kickstarter campaign to launch the first wave of miniatures inspired by and based on the characters and creatures from the stories of Season One. A new dark fantasy miniature range that will expand as the podcast explores the stories from this ruined place.