A Thriving Catholic Podcast

May 09 2024 2
A Thriving Catholic Podcast artwork

What does it mean to thrive? 

Why are you here?  What is the purpose of your life?  

What is God’s will for you?  
How can you integrate the truths of the Catholic faith with the pursuit of optimal health? 
If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, then you’re in the right place.
Join Catholic Life and Certified Health Coach Jessica Castillo each week as she dives into practical ways that you can combine your love for Jesus with best practices of nutrition, sleep, exercise, productivity, positive psychology, and more to optimize every area of your life. 

A Thriving Catholic was founded on the desire to glean the best practices and knowledge from every aspect of personal development, figure out how they fit into the bigger picture of our Catholic faith, and then apply them in daily life so that we can truly thrive.  

If you know that there’s more to life than just surviving another day, and if you’re ready to live the thriving and extraordinary life that God’s made you for, then subscribe today, and let’s get thriving!