DO THE DAMN THING Audio Experience

Nov 02 2023
DO THE DAMN THING Audio Experience Podcast artwork

DO THE DAMN THING started by founder and current CEO @Tiffany Largie has been teaching awesome humans for over a decade how to build their DO THE DAMN THING™ LIFE. Step number one in that process has always been and will alwasy be their story. Learning what their story is and how to use it. Over the past few years we have taught hundreds of thousands how to tell your story and use it to build a life they love. Once you get your story together you are able to master your relationships, your money, your physical game and everything else you are after not before.We are going to show you how to tell your story. Build a WHOLE life and build what you were sent here to do. We are not going teach you how to tell your story and build the whole damn thing. This audio are special pieces that we have created over the years for our programs, private experiences and trainings. It serves no one if we leave all this magic in a priavte vault. So we have taken them out of the vault and are giving them to you. Organized so you can get to what you need quickly. We want the HOW the real information out where every hungry family memeber that needs us can grab it. Run with it and get stronger until they are ready to come and build their life with us in person at DO THE DAMN THING LIVE. - the next one is always right around the corner. There are no fancy intro's or outro's here on this like on our BUILD THE DAMN THING PODCAST. We just jump into the trainings, teachings and lives experiences and we promise super promise that it will be BINGE WORTHY.We are tired of listening to people coaches teach awesome people tactics, strategies and now hows that are limited. One sided and just dont work. Our CEO currently runs multiple P & L's because she owns a few business and she still manages a whole family. Though she no longer goes to bed hungry like from where she started you will watch her dip into being diagnosed and the challenges she and her team members face and how the win through it. We promise to delvier A million dollars worth of value each month at no cost to you. The family member we have not yet, that we so desperately want you to win. Tune in to listen to CEO Tiffany Largie and the DO THE DAMN THING coaches, partners and super talented team members teach you how to do it all and pull the strings together for you to create the foundation for your very own DO THE DAMN THING LIFE.