The Dream Axis

Nov 19 2023 42 ep. 38 mins
The Dream Axis Podcast artwork

The Dream Axis is a project of love that I completed in 2023. It now exists as an accessible dream interpretation resource in perpetuity. 

Most episodes are on-the-spot dream or nightmare interpretations between myself and everyday dreamers from across the globe. Some episodes contain my own personal dreams, wild moments of the human experience, and even interviews with some special guests. Feel free to scroll through and click on a title that resonates for you.

Thank you so much to all of the amazing souls that contributed to this project! It was an honor to work with you.

To find out more about my current work and projects please scroll down to the "Links + Resources" section below or head on over to my new podcast, The Axis Channel.

With Love,

Meg 🐝

Original Podcast Description:

"Dreams are one of the most valuable and accessible tools available to everyone on the planet. 

From ancient Mesopotamia to the surface of the moon, dreams have contributed to the psychological evolution of the human race. In this podcast I dive into the very real dreams of individuals across the globe, helping them to understand the subconscious messaging and powerful information encapsulated in each dream experience.

Join me on this journey of dreams as I teach the world how to interpret and apply the personal information that resides within them to better your life and understand the reality of your unique existence."

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