Blue Collar Business Nuggets

Apr 02 2024
Blue Collar Business Nuggets Podcast artwork

BlueCollar Business Nuggets... is a  Podcast dedicated to sharing insightful, impactful and motivating nuggets at the show's beginning. Tune in for the nugget or stay for the whole show. We know you are busy and need the best stuff first...while some are working driving and have the ability to listen to the whole show. Our goal is to build community and demonstrate that all the blue-collar industries can learn from each other. The challenges, successes and goals are all the same. Cashflow, Sales, Operation, Scaling up, People and Processes. All driven towards having a better quality of life and financial independence. After our initial Nugget, We follow this with more discussion around the topic for those that want to continue with the show. You don't have to wait until the end for the best stuff! 

If you are a blue-collar business owner you will love the variety of Nuggets we drop each week. If you have a nugget that you can share please contact me at [email protected]. I'd love to connect to hear how you can help share your knowledge to help others. This is who we are. None of us succeeded alone! Give - Get and Grow with Us! Please subscribe for the latest episodes and share it with your network. We greatly appreciate it. 

My name is Seth Lewis...and Im' your Host. I'm a Blue-Collar guy, Owner, living, learning and teaching just like you. I hope this podcast can be your go-to resource for Nuggets to help you succeed. If something connects with you....Will you tell me? One of my passions is connecting for conversation with other business owners. I'd love to chat to learn your story. Feel free to email me and introduce yourself. I'd be happy to connect for a brief call. Send me an email why you want to connect. Any sales efforts will be turned down. This is not the purpose. Ain't nobody got time for that.....