Blue Hour

Jan 09 2024
Blue Hour Podcast artwork

The Blue hour is the period in an industry where there is neither full daylight nor complete darkness. Take the opportunity to listen to fresh perspectives on emerging technology, explained in an easy-to-understand way.

We chat about news and opinions on everything #blockchain #nfts #distributedledgertechnology #ai, #artificialintelligence, and other hashtags that will help people find this podcast.

Opinions are our own and not the views of our employer. The information shared is for illustrative and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as financial advice or recommendation.

This banter podcast is to share general information only. We strongly encourage anyone whether you’re new or experienced, to do your own research (DYOR) and get proper tax advice before making any investment decisions. And please only invest what you can afford to lose – crypto, DeFi, AI and NFTs are still high-risk investments.